Cherrydown Vets launches new support groups: Tri Paw Pals and Animal CanCare
If you’ve seen our logo, it reads “Cherrydown Vets Ltd – to us they’re one of the family.” That’s not just a nice tag, but how we see your pets and the way we think they should be cared for by us. We believe support and care beyond just the clinical needs of your pet are extremely important. Just as with people, serious illness in pets can cause great distress and worry in a family. Not only is it important to get the right treatment physically it can be an enormous benefit emotionally to be able to talk to others who have been, or are going through the same experiences. So that’s why we put our heads together and have come up with two new Facebook pages to start to bring together people whose pets are going through the same difficult times. Animal CanCare is our support group for people whose pets are suffering from cancer and Tri Paw Pals is our animal amputee support group. In the coming weeks and months we will start to populate the pages with useful advice, interesting articles and stories of animals we see and treat. But that’s only part of what these Facebook Pages are for. The main reason to have them is to allow you, the owners to tell us and others, about your experiences and the things that you found helped, or made coping and making decisions that bit easier. We will answer your questions where we can, or put you in contact with people we think might help. While these pages have been set up by Cherrydown Vets we have not set this up just for our clients. We want to invite people from all over the country to join in, to help fellow pet owners and form a community that helps one another with guidance and input from us and other experts we think can help you. For those of you that are joining us here at the beginning of this journey, things aren’t going to be immediate as it will take time to build and gather momentum. But bear with us, join in and tell your friends about these pages so that word spreads and soon a few will become many and the help, support & ideas will grow.
So there you have it, now it’s partly up to you to help make these pages what you want them to be. So go on, write a comment, tell us if you like us, post photos of your pets and tell us about your experiences and how we can make your journey, and that of your pet, just a little bit easier. We look forward to hearing from you. If you want to contact us or know more about Cherrydown Vets then visit our social media sites: Our web page – where, amongst other things, you can see videos of us going about our business and realise why we love what we do. Our Facebook Page – where we interact with our friends on a daily basis offering a mix of informative blogs, topical information, details of local events and a few things to bring a smile to your day. Our Twitter Page (@CherrydownVets) – where we keep you up to date with what we’re up to and who we’re following.