As of today, Monday 12th August, we have 3002 likes on our Facebook page. This means 3002 people have joined the Cherrydown Vets online community. When we first decided to set up the page we didn’t expect it to be as popular as it is. We thought we would share a few pictures and general information about our clinic and that’s it. However, over time, it has grown into something more
Every day we get people who follow our page talking to us and, best of all, to each other. As pet owners you all have something in common, your pets. You can relate to the joy of owning a cat, dog, rabbit etc. and you know exactly how it feels when you lose a pet. We have seen many of you support each other through times of happiness and grief. When someone posts a picture of their lost pet you share it with all of your friends to try and get it back to its owner. You post your own pictures of your pets so everyone can see them. You share stories, important information, and things you feel other pet owners would like to know. Overall, you have made this page the success it is today.
You have even helped improve the way Cherrydown Vets works. Through Facebook we have asked for your opinion on many things and you have responded honestly giving both good and not so good feedback. This information is invaluable to us as it helps to ensure you and your pet gets the best possible care, service and attention.
One of the highlights for us, especially Jonathan, is Ask the Vet. Each month we ask you to put any questions you have about your pets, pets in general and Cherrydown Vets on to our Facebook page as Jonathan answers all of the questions himself. Normally when you post a question on our page we pass it to Jonathan to answer when he has a spare moment, but during the Ask the Vet sessions he is “live” on Facebook answering you there and then. He enjoys talking to those who takes part as he believes everyone, including the pets, are all part of one big family.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you who supports our page. This page is not just for us it is for you too. It’s there for you to ask questions, share information, post pictures and to make new friends with other people on the page.
Here is to the next 1000 people who wish to join the Cherrydown Facebook family