Name: Danielle Urwin
Title: Head Nurse
How long have you been a veterinary nurse?
I have been a Veterinary Nurse for 20 years and have been at Cherrydown 17 years.
What is the most rewarding thing about this career choice?
The most rewarding part of my career is providing care to patients. After 20 years I still love my job the same as the day I started.
What’s the best thing about working at Cherrydown practice?
Everyone is supportive and I have found friends for life.
What does an average day involve for a veterinary nurse at your practice? What type of treatments and care does this include?
There are a variety of areas to work in as nurses as Cherrydown, such as working in:
- Kennels – providing care to our patients
- Theatre – monitoring anaesthetics
- Laboratory – running blood and urine samples
- Clinics – completing post operative checks, clips nails etc
- Nights – providing 24hr inpatient care
- Paperwork – completing referrals and surgical bookings
How has your role progressed within the practice?
I have been a Head Nurse for 4-5 years and I am transferring over to a Clinical Nurse Manager in the next few months.
How has your role changed during the pandemic?
During the pandemic, the way in which we communicate to our clients has changed due to having less face to face contact and communicating more over the phone. This has been to keep everyone as safe as can be.
What single most important thing has helped you through these challenging times?
Teamwork – we have such a great team and we have been there for each other through these difficult times.