Overweight Pets

Is your pet a Usain Bolt , muscular fit and active or is it Mr Blobby in a fur coat? Chances are it’s somewhere between the two. Not many of us can expect to run a sub 10 second 100 metres, but we should be able to run it without collapsing halfway for a rest …


Greyhounds bring back memories of watching World of Sport with Dickie Davies on a Saturday afternoon during the 70’s and 80’s. We would watch the wrestling, the darts and the dog races. Many people only think of greyhounds when it comes to racing but these dogs do make greats pets. Greyhounds are an old breed …

Cocker Spaniels

Did you know…these dogs were originally called Cocking Spaniels and they gained their name from flushing out Woodcocks for hunters?  Due to their small size they were ideal for chasing ground dwelling birds out of bushes and hedgerows. The true origin of these dogs is not known even though they have appeared in paintings and …

Dental Disease

  Many dog owners do not realise that dental disease, particularly gum disease, is common in their pets. Surveys show that after the age of three years, about seven out of ten pets have some kind of dental disorder.   If there is a problem and it is left untreated it could cause irreversible damage to …

Ticks and the removal of ticks

Every year we get many pets come through our doors with skin problems. The most common causes of these issues are fleas.   Another problem we regularly see is ticks Now the weather is warmer and days are longer, there is a good chance you and your dog will be out in the parks, fields and …